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Totus Wellness

Home: Welcome


Are you weighed down by the constant cycle of trying to make your body "good enough?" Are you a victim of yo-yo dieting? Are you confused and stressed in your relationship with food? Do you struggle with emotional eating that leads to a cycle of restricting, craving, binging, shaming, and repeating? Do your cravings seem out of control? Do you constantly find yourself comparing your body to other women’s? Are you constantly searching for the “magic pill” in order to finally be at peace with your body and health?

That was me...until I learned how to actively listen to the body God gave me, accurately interpret its message, and compassionately respond. 

Hi, my name is Kirsten Schmidt (formerly Zerr) and I help Christian women find identity in Christ to nourish and care for their body as a Temple of the Holy Spirit through faith based intuitive eating.

I won't put you on a diet, because I've stopped putting myself on one after trying (and failing) almost every diet in the book.  Instead, I'll teach you how to receive your body's underlying messages and habitually choose which foods are right for you. Together, we will co-create an amazing relationship with food, body, and spirit!


God created our bodies with the incredible ability to self-regulate and communicate. Honoring your body as a temple does not equal seeking control through worldly diet culture. Food is not your enemy. Your body is not your enemy.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Intuitive eating allows you to lovingly work with your body to make healthy a habit, where you're naturally pulled to the things that align with the body God gave you. My ultimate goal is for you to gain freedom around your health and wellness, so you no longer need me, or any other diet/workout program out there!

Ready to live free of diets and and learn to steward your body? Let's get started! Apply to work with Kirsten and learn how InteGROW can help you!

Before signing up for InteGROW, I need to find out more information about you and your goals to be sure that we would be a good fit to work together. 

Home: About

My overall experience was more than I ever expected. My husband told me multiple times that this was the best money I had ever spent on myself. After a few weeks of exercises that pushed me outside of my comfort zones, I started to notice my mentality shift towards a viewpoint of grace for myself. I started to understand that my worth does not come from a number on a scale or how people view me. Instead, my worth comes from a God who made me in His image, and how could I shame something that God had created? The changes did not happen overnight or without being vulnerable and honest, which I think are key to gaining the most from this program. While I still have tough days, my spirit feels lighter and more full of joy most days. I am able to be more present with my kids and I am more aware of the beliefs and behaviors I want my kids to witness. I am so thankful to have crossed paths with you and will truly never forget the role you played in my life.

Ashley H.

I no longer look at food with a negative attitude or constantly count calories. With this new outlook I don’t deny myself food, binge later on and then feel guilty afterwards. I actually enjoy eating and give myself grace on special occasions to appreciate my favorite foods. The life skills portion was a pleasant surprise. I didn’t realize how my mental health and daily sleep/routines affected my eating habits. Putting wellness practices in place has made me feel more in control of my life and created a positive outlook for me that has renewed my spirit. I enjoyed our weekly sessions and getting your positive feedback. You never judged me and provided such thoughtful responses. It was great working with you!!

Celeste G.

I thought the investment was just going to fix my food problems, but it opened up so much more. To make changes and not know the future is scary, but I had to be honest with myself. At the time I didn't like myself, yet I knew I could do better, I could be better, but I just didn't know how. I was at my rock bottom and I knew something needed to change. Now, I feel more at peace. I feel happier. I understand why I may have a craving, what needs are going unmet, and how I need to  communicate and meet those needs. All I can say is just GO FOR IT! Because there is nothing but going up from here...where you are at your lowest of lows and you've done EVERYTHING and every diet, yet it's not getting you anywhere. Diets were just a temporary solution. The real solution was the inner work that needed to be done. That is much more satisfying that dropping 1 or 2 pants sizes, then going right back to where you were.

Danelle H.

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Client Wins!

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Home: About Me


Kirsten Schmidt


Currently, I nourish my body without dieting...but it wasn't always this way. I spent years hating my body. I went on countless diets in an attempt to lose weight and feel confident, but instead I wrecked my health and metabolism. I went through anorexia, orthorexia, and binge eating. I eventually developed IBS, and began to experience extreme hormonal issues, bloating, amenorrhea, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. I was at war with my body. I had severe anxiety around what I "should" and "shouldn't" eat, which led to a cycle of restricting, craving, overeating, shaming, and repeating. No matter what I did, I felt like I couldn't love my body. I blamed my gut, my hormones, my metabolism, and my genetics. I thought all I needed was the right information and tons of discipline. I kept God out of my health, and tried to control it through the "diet culture" way. I kept using the same formula, expecting different results.

My low self-worth guided my workout and eating decisions, rather than trusting the body God gave me. In an attempt to find worth and health, I began to idolize fitness. I thought I was practicing self-discipline...but the enemy was actually keeping my stuck in a cycle of shame. Health became an overwhelming burden, rather than a holistic and peaceful process. It wasn’t until I started finding worth and identity in Jesus, that things turned around. Now, it is no longer about weight is about loving the body God gave me and treating it as a gift. More importantly, I realized that my body was not permanently broken, but that I needed to trust the natural intuition of my body which was given to all of us by God.


I needed to trust God. I needed to trust my body and its signals. I needed to find worth through Jesus. Once I did, I found MY healthy set-point weight...which was no longer determined by worldly diet culture. More importantly, I healed my relationship with food, body, and soul. THIS is where healthy became habit.


Now, I guide clients along this same transformation so that you can LOVE your way to health; rather than attempt to shame your way there. I can help you pay compassionate attention to your body, understand your body's underlying messages, and respond in a way that aligns with God's design, all while finding worth through Jesus! Ready to show up for yourself and your health? Click "Contact" below to send me a message!

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